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Film Gallery

In our first year at University we were given the task of creating an interview type setting for one of our modules. Our original plan was to interview my colleagues Army Reserve office on the idea of joining the reserves. However, this went horribly wrong when our guest could no longer attend which we found out the night before. In comes one of my proudest on the fly ideas where I had remember that one of our AV technicians actually had the opportunity to work on Star Wars The Force Awakens and so I thought it would be a brilliant idea to interview him about his time on set.

Another creation from my first year was when we had to recreate a scene from the choice of several shows. In the end we chose the show Fleabag as we thought it would be quite entertaining to be able to produce something with a little comedy. This project was actually the first time I ever used tv equipment and my role on this project was director so I had the difficult role of having to make decisions and create what I envisioned for this scene when reading the script.

In my first year of A-level I had to create an tv advert which had huge emotional value. At the time of studying this subject myself and a couple of friends of mine had recently grouped together to get our school to do food donations a couple of times a year to help out our local food bank. When doing this I thought this would be an amazing idea for my media module as well as thinking it would help promote and make awareness for the food bank.

In my second year of A-level we had a lot more freedom on what we could create and so we were told to choose a genre and go out and make a short film based on it. As i always had a fascination with the fantasy genre since watching The Lord of the Rings that is genre I chose to go with and so I included many tropes such magic, swords and the idea of battles but also put my own little twist on it.

In my second year of University my course were asked to produce a live tv production that was 15 to 20 minutes long. We decided to do a documentary in the surrounding castles as a rule we had to follow for the module was to relate it to Cumbria. We decided on castles as most of our group had an interest in the history behind them and because they aren't really promoted in the media. This production took a lot of work but we had the opportunity to work with an industry professional who does this kind of live tv type production.

Currently I have two future projects on the way one in scriptwriting and one in production. For the one in production I have my Major project in which myself and 2 course mates will be creating a 15 minute short film which we are super excited for as it takes a lot of inspiration from one of our favourite games and a duo of films we enjoy. My other project is that I am currently trying to convert one of my favourite books series' of all time in to screenplay that hopefully one day I could either make or send off to different production companies. It is called Skulduggery Pleasant which is about an 11 year old girl who has just lost her favourite uncle, and is spun into a world of magic and danger when she meets the strangest of people. Skulduggery Pleasant.

Skulduggery Pleasant.jpg

By Brandon Leo

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